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Workman Mondays

A couple of months back we realised that we were having a rather enviable problem: too many bands were emailing us looking for slots at the festival. By this stage we had already pretty much completed our line up and had even expanded the amount of slots on the Sunday just to fit some more of the great folk acts Ireland has to offer in. Regardless of the quality of the acts we simply didn’t have the room for all of them and the constant stream of emails meant that we couldn’t even  give them the consideration they deserved. Fortunately a solution presented itself.

Out of House and Outhouses

Last week we got ourselves out of the office and down to the site of the festival for some hands on prep work. It’s always great to get into the practical work but especially so when your venue is Dunderry Park!

The Story So Far…

Don’t want to have to read all this? I wouldn’t want to listen to me either so here’s an interview with the festival coordinator for the ADD internet generation!
